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Start date : Minggu, 07 April 2013
End date : Minggu, 07 April 2013

World Health Day 2013

Every 7 April members of the World Health Organization (WHO) celebrate the World Health Day as the starting day of one year campaign to raise global awareness on one crucial health issue demanding immediate actions. For 2013, the health issue chosen is high blood pressure. We call for blood pressure control through the slogan of the World Health Day 2013 : "Blood Pressure – Take Control".

Indeed, blood pressure can be controlled. High blood pressure can be prevented through the commonly prescribed healthy behavior such as well-balanced diet and active physical activities. Not smoking cigarettes and limited consumption of salt could essentially decrease your risk of getting hypertension.. More importantly, preventing and controlling blood pressure will decrease the risk of getting heart attack and stroke, the diseases with the highest numbers of deaths in Indonesia.

Herewith, we invite as many as possible individuals and organizations to join us in the World Health Day campaign, sending information about blood pressure and how to prevent and control it. More importantly, all of us could act upon the messages; create activities which reinforce healthy behavior.


  Day, date : Sunday, April 7th, 2013
  Time : 6 AM – 11 AM
  Venue : Senayan East Parking Area


  1. Increase the awareness about the hypertension causes to public
  2. Encourage people to change unhealthy high risk hypertension behaviors
  3. Encourage people to check blood pressure periodically
  4. Improve the management quality of hypertension care
  5. Create an environment with healthy living behavior communities



  1. Blood Pressure Measurement

      We were using 80 blood pressure measurement devices (sponsored by Omron) and it was done by 70 cardiovascular technician students.

  2. Body Mass Index (BMI) Measurement

      We were using 80 blood pressure measurement devices (sponsored by Omron) and it was done by 70 cardiovascular technician students.

 3. Heart Gymnastic

     Around 2000 participants followed the heart gymnastic

  4. Fun Walk

      Around 2000 people participated in the Fun Walk activity. It was opened by the minister of heath – republic of Indonesia, official VIPs from the department of           health – republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian Society of Hypertension representatives and Novartis Indonesia representatives.

  5. Brain Gymnastic

      The brain gymnastic was followed by 600 people with a special instructor from the department of health – republic of Indonesia.

   6. Talk Show on Hypertension



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Sekretariat InaSH
Perki House Building 2nd Floor
Jl.Danau Toba No.139 A-C, Bendungan Hilir ,
Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia
Telp: 021 - 5734978
Fax : 021 - 5734978

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