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 Since the “Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee on the Prevention,

Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 6)” wasreleased in 1997, new knowledge has come to light from a variety of sources.The National High Blood Pressure Education Program CoordinatingCommittee (NHBPEP CC), which represents 46 professional, voluntary, and Federal organizations, has periodically reviewed the emerging findings during its biannual meetings. Eventually, a critical mass of information accumulated that
generated much demand for a seventh report.
My decision to appoint a JNC 7 Committee was predicated on four reasons: (1) publication of many new hypertension observational studies and clinical trials; (2) need for a new, clear, and concise guideline that would be useful for clinicians; (3) need to simplify the classification of blood pressure; and (4) clear recognition that the JNC reports were not being used to their maximum benefit.
Dr. Aram Chobanian was selected as the JNC 7 chair because, like his predecessors, he is well versed in hypertension, yet independent of these major studies. The JNC 7 Executive Committee and writing teams were selected entirely from the NHBPEP CC because they are recognized as experts in their disciplines by their peers. Dr. Chobanian and his colleagues set—and met—a goal of completing and publishing this work in 5 months because of the urgency of applying the new information to improve hypertension prevention and treatment.
This has been a remarkable accomplishment, but the task of NHBPEP CC numbers is far from over. They and many others are now charged with disseminating the JNC 7 report, because none of this—neither the research studies nor the recommendations—will matter, unless the JNC 7 is applied. To facilitate its application, the JNC 7 will be produced in two versions. A “JNC 7 Express” has been developed for busy clinicians.
A longer version to be published later will provide for a broader and more detailed review of the recommendations. Additional professional and patient education tools will support implementation of the JNC 7 recommendations.
Dr. Chobanian has our deep appreciation for leading the JNC 7 Executive and Coordinating Committee members in developing this new report. I feel confident that this represents a landmark document and that its application will greatly improve our ability to address a very important public health problem.


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